Google Chrome's first browser lets you experience the HTTP / :  HTTP / 3 is the new Internet protocol that was identified at the end of last year. Until then known as HTTP-over-QUIC, it was eventually renamed to HTTP / 3 becoming the third official version of the HTTP protocol. Again, Google will be behind the technology that will build the protocol with QUIP as happened with SPDY and HTTP / 2. So, the initial release of Chrome browser already allows you to test HTTP / 3 through which we can browse at full speed over the Internet.
What is HTTP / 3?
It is the new Internet standard adopted by the Internet Engineering Team (IETF) in November 2018 which takes advantage of the experimental Google QUIC protocol which ends up being renamed as HTTP / 3. The big difference between HTTP / 3 compared to its predecessors is the use of UDP as a rule instead of TCP as the previous rules. .
QUIC, known as Quick UDP Internet Connections, was created by Google to define new functionality for what can be done with the UDP protocol. In this way, it can be used to replace existing protocols and thus improve the overall performance of Internet connections by reducing the latency of sites. The advantages of HTTP / 3 are increased efficiency, reduced latency, and greater security.
A person working on HTTP3 development has officially confirmed that Google Chrome Canary, the most sophisticated branch of the browser, became the first browser to incorporate very experimental support for HTTP / 3 and fast.
 If we have this version of the browser, we can already try the new protocol. To do this, we will continue with these steps:
Run Chrome Knares using these parameters: –enable-quic –quic-version = h3-23
Visit or LiteSpeed ​​tech to run a demo using this technology. The web should display a properly loaded message using QUIC.
At the moment, the HTTP / 3 test is somewhat anormal, but the fact is that this protocol is becoming a reality. If all promises are fulfilled, we will face one of the best in Internet history since the first HTTP protocol was adopted in 1999.
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