how are technology and science related

With the advancement of time, and the increasing spread of scientific research, which focused on all areas of life, the concepts of science and technology became more associated with each other. but how are technology and science related ?

how are technology and science related

how are technology and science related

Definition of science and technology

Science is defined as knowledge, and technology is the means of application of this knowledge, from here we can see the interactive relationship between technology and science. Science meets technology in all social applications, which contribute to the solution of all problems caused by technology in society, and technology only develops Sciences. The relationship between science and technology arises when trying to solve problems of human adaptation to the surrounding environment, and solving these difficulties is done using a number of strategies.

 The role of science here is to ask questions about the entity or the physical world.To find a solution, many methods of scientific investigation are used.Technology cooperates with science in the way of processing, finding explanations, offering solutions to all problems and obstacles and answering the questions raised. Previously, science and technology were one entity, and this belief is wrong. Science is the scientific knowledge that man has reached, while technology means the scientific applications of those sciences and the organized knowledge reached by man.
how are technology and science related

how are technology and science related

Although science and technology have different definitions, but there are common links between them, the modern information revolution, in linking them significantly, as it contributed to the benefit of science discovered, to reach technological development, in various fields.
 With the advancement of time and the increasing prevalence of scientific research, which focused on all areas of life, has been able to bring the concepts of science and technology together, even became associated with each other, and the earliest examples of this scientific development in the field of mathematics, which contributed to the invention of calculator, as a means For calculations of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and easily dividing.
 The role of technology is important in the development of the calculator. , Which has become one of the most important electronic and technological devices in human life.

Scientific and technological achievements

There are a number of scientific and technological achievements that have contributed to the emergence of many useful developments, in several key areas, and associated with people, including:

 technology has contributed to the development of the telecommunications sector, because of the pace of scientific inventions that provided means of communication of different types, and was able to make individuals communicate with each other easily, began to emerge the phone, which developed to become wireless, and then with the use of a group of digital cells turned into a mobile phone , And so until the smartphones appeared, which made many tasks accomplish rapidly.

Technology has developed science, learning and education, and has witnessed a remarkable change for the better. The idea of ​​a fixed place to receive lessons is no longer the only concept of education, but it is possible to obtain science through the use of advanced technological means, especially devices associated with the Internet , Which helped students, and teachers get the course easily, without having to commit to a particular place.

The scientific and technological development of the health sector has developed rapidly, and has helped to cure many diseases that needed a lot of tools and tools to treat them Thanks to AR . In the past, medicine could not cure most diseases that require precision surgery, and with the technological development in medical devices, This helped to perform the appropriate surgical operation of the patient, protecting him from exposure to danger.
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